you'll be the envy of all your co-workers with our monogrammed clipboard! perfect for making those "to-do" lists less daunting!
lucite clipboard measures 12.5 x 9
to order- select your favorite style swatch and monogram type and color
dabney lee says...
i keep on of these in my kitchen, on my desk at home and, of course, I have about five of these in our design studio... it's the perfect way to keep things stylishly organized!
a great gift for all of your "list maker" friends!
style swatches (scroll over to see larger view)
limited edition style swatches (scroll over to see larger view)
monograms and name plates (scroll over to see larger view)
color swatches (scroll over to see larger view)
please write monogram or name plate personalization exactly as you would like it to appear on item
